Airline and airport settings
In this topic, you learn to set parameters that control airline and airport information that displays on the N-Tracking map to assist you with aircraft tracking.
We estimate that this will take 5 minutes to complete.
Working with N-Tracking airline and airport settings
N-Tracking provides you with the ability to configure:
- the airlines whose fleets you want to track
- which airports to monitor
- the content and display of the Flight list on the map
Detailed explanation
Airline settings
When you configure airline settings, you determine the aircraft that you want to track in the TRACKED section of the Flight list as highlighted by the arrows in the image. You can track only those fleets that you have access to in your subscription.
Aircraft in the TRACKED list display on the map in a color selected by your N-Tracking administrator (in this example, blue).
Notice that the Flight list shows no TRACKED section at the moment?
Let's learn how to add one.
Click the User name (ADMIN) dropdown button.
Click the User Settings menu item.
Click the Airlines menu item.
In this example, you have access to only one airline and because the slider is "off", that fleet doesn't display on the map.
Let's change that.
Click the AFR slider.
Click the Save button.
Let's check what changed on the map as a result of this update...
Click the Map tab.
Your Flight list now includes a TRACKED section and Air France aircraft display on the map in blue. (The color used to identify tracked flights is chosen by your N-Tracking Administrator.)
One orange aircraft icon represents an aircraft for which a caution alert has been emitted. You can find more information on alerts in the Alert Management topic.
Airport settings
When your airline deployed N-Tracking, a set of relevant airports was configured for you. You can track all the aircraft either arriving at, or departing from those airports, which can help you assess the relative congestion in an airspace.
An airline N-Tracking Administrator identifies which airports to track in Airport Settings.
The relevant aircraft are listed in the OTHERS section of the Flight list and display in gray on the map.
If an airport that interests you is not available for tracking, contact your N-Tracking administrator and ask them to add it.
Let's activate aircraft tracking for flights in and out of McCarran International Airport (KLAS).
Click the username (ADMIN) dropdown button.
Click the User Settings menu item.
Click the Airports menu item.
Click the KLAS slider.
KLAS (McCarran International Airport) is just outside of Las Vegas.
As mentioned earlier, the airports included in this list were identified when your airline implemented N-Tracking.
Clicking the sliders makes the aircraft around these airports visible on the map.
Click the Save button.
Now, let's check the map and see what this has done to the Flight list -- the list of tracked aircraft.
Click the Map tab.
As a result of your change, flights in and out of KLAS are now being tracked and shown on the map.
In this example, the OTHERS section of the Flight list does not display. It's in this section that you would see the flights flying in and out of KLAS.
Airport settings (continued)
After you enable an airport, you see it on the map in a highlighted blue/green color. In the accompanying image, it is also surrounded by a red rectangle to help you recognize it more easily. For the map screen to work this way, you must enable one of the navigational layers -- the Airports layer.
Let's explore this briefly now. For more information on navigational layers, consult the topic, Airports, flights, Upper Information Regions, and favorite airports.
Currently, no airports display on the map.
Let's change this by adding a layer of navigational data (airports) using the map Layers options.
Different from planes in your own fleet, which may be using aircraft labels to display details on the map, the planes in the Flight list OTHERS section have no labels associated with them.
Click the Layers button.
Click the NAV Layers tab.
Click the Airports slider.
The round, hub-like symbols on the map represent airports. You can hover your mouse over any of them to see their name and ICAO code.
For example, hover your mouse over the airport in the highlighted area at the lower left of the map.
An information pane displays in the upper right corner of the map, showing this is the Francisco Sarabia airport.
Close the NAV information pane.
Click the Close button.
Click on the teal colored airport symbol in the highlighted area and a navigational information pane displays to show you this is the Palm Springs International airport..
Click the teal airport icon.
If you are familiar with American air traffic, you might guess that his busy hub is KLAX.
You now know how to choose the airlines that you want to track in your Flight list and how to display airport symbols on the map. You can use the NAV information pane to identify those airports.