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Aircraft labels


Aircraft labels 

In this topic, Administrators learn how to create aircraft labels to display flight information on the map. You also learn how to assign a label to one or more of your airline's aircraft. 

We estimate that this will take 7 minutes to complete.

Create and assign aircraft labels

When you create an aircraft label to display flight details on the N-Tracking map, you can choose a maximum of 10 data fields per label from the following data elements:

  • Aircraft registration
  • Aircraft type
  • Airline code
  • Destination (To)
  • ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
  • Flight ID
  • Altitude
  • Flight number
  • Latitude (in degrees)
  • Longitude (in degrees)
  • OFF time (take-off time)
  • Origin (From)
  • Ground speed (in knots)
  • Squawk (transponder code)
  • Position source
     (ADSB (terrestrial ADS-B), SADSB (Aireon space based ADS-B), Transoceanic, Radar (ATC radar), or ACARS (ACARS position or ADS-C))
  • Track (orientation in degrees 000-359)
  • Vertical speed (in feet per minute)


After you create the label, you can assign it to your entire fleet or to individual aircraft (as needed).

Users can choose to display aircraft labels in small, medium, or large fonts.

 Aircraft labels can be configured and assigned by both Administrators and non-administrative users.

Detailed explanation 

Interaction 1 Click the ADMIN (Admin_PF) dropdown button.

In this example, the airline has configured an aircraft label containing two different flight data elements, including Flight ID and flight level.

While all N-Tracking users can create and apply "custom" aircraft labels, you, as Administrator, can set up a default label to ensure that all aircraft displayed on the map are labeled.

 Practice creating and assigning custom aircraft labels, from an N-Tracking administrator's perspective. Start the procedure logged in with your Administrator credentials. 

Interaction 2 Click the Administration list item.

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft labels menu item.

Interaction 1 Click the Add button.

When you first access the Aircraft labels management page, it won't show any labels. In this example, some labels had already been created in the training environment.

The Add button displays at the bottom of the list of labels.This means you may need to scroll down the page to see the Add button.  

You can always click Delete to remove a label if it is no longer useful.   

Give the label a descriptive, meaningful name.

 For this example, use "NAVBLUE".

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft label name input field.

Interaction 2 Enter NAVBLUE into the Aircraft label name field.

Interaction 3 Click the Fields to display input field.

As the screen indicates, you can add up to 10 different data elements to each label.

 You cannot re-arrange the data elements without removing them and re-doing your work, so give some thought to the order you want them in the label before you select the different data elements. 

Interaction 1 Click the Registration menu item.

Interaction 1 Click the Airline menu item.

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft Type menu item.

Interaction 1 Click the To menu item.

If you decide you want to remove a data element and/or remove one and replace it, click the X beside the element to remove it. Then, select another data element, as applicable.  

Interaction 1 Click the ETA menu item.

Interaction 1 Click the Flight number menu item.


You can use either of the Save buttons. For this example, use the upper one. 

Interaction 1 Click the Save button.

After you save your newly created or changed label, wait for the message that confirms the change.

Now that you have designed a label, let's assign it to particular aircraft or a type of aircraft.  

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft labels association menu button.

When you assign labels to aircraft, you have two choices:

  • assign to a specific aircraft based on its registration, or
  • assign based on aircraft type.

Use the search field that meets your needs. 

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft Type Search input field.

The current list contains one aircraft that has type "*" associated with it.

 For this example, assign the new label to all B738 aircraft in the fleet.  

Interaction 2 Enter 738 into the Aircraft Type Search field.

Interaction 1 Press the Enter key.

Now, assign the new label to all aircraft whose type includes "738". 

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft labels dropdown button.

Interaction 2 Click the NAVBLUE list item.

As administrator, you may want to set up and choose a particular label to use as a default. Let's do that.

 In this example, use the label that shows aircraft latitude and longitude for demonstration purposes.

Interaction 1 Click the Select the default aircraft label dropdown button.

Interaction 1 Click the TR_lat/long list item.

Interaction 1 Click the Save button.

If you decide to change the default label, you can always select a different one.

If you decide to change the label associated with a particular aircraft, click the Remove selected template button and assign another label. 

Let's see how your changes look on the map. 

Interaction 1 Click the Map tab.

The aircraft labels follow the TR_lat/long format -- the one that ends with the latitude and longitude.

 Let's change that and use the new label format you defined. 

Interaction 1 Click the ADMIN dropdown button.

Interaction 2 Click the Administration list item.

Interaction 1 Click the Aircraft labels association menu button.

Interaction 1 Click the Select the default aircraft label dropdown button.

Interaction 1 Click the NAVBLUE list item.

Always remember to save your changes. 

Interaction 1 Click the Save button.

Interaction 1 Click the Map tab.

Zoom out for a clearer view of the aircraft labels. 

Interaction 2 Click the Zoom out (-) button.


Congratulations! You have successfully... (12pt)


Congratulations! You have customized and assigned aircraft labels.

The aircraft shown on the map are now identified using the custom label you created and set as a default label.

Other (non-administrative) users can use this default label, which provides the benefit of consistency. Alternatively, users can customize and assign their own labels.

Users can also choose to display aircraft labels using small, medium, or large fonts. For more information, consult the User Settings -- Aircraft labels topic. 


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