Assign colors to the Flight list and to aircraft icons on the map
In this topic, Administrators learn to set the color N-Tracking uses to display warning and caution information and different categories of aircraft in the Flight list and as icons on the map
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Detailed explanation
N-Tracking default colors are applied to aircraft symbols on the map for a visual indication of status.
For airlines using surface tracking, these same colors apply to tracked and "other" planes on the surface tracking maps.
In this topic, you learn how to choose the color to use in N-Tracking for:
- warning and caution information and aircraft symbols
- tracked flights
- planned flights
- aircraft in "my fleet" (allocated to a user's desk)
- other flights (active flights of other airlines)
When you first access the map, you'll notice two things -- the Flight List on the left and colored aircraft icons overlaying the map.
The colors used in the Flight List section headers match the coloring of the aircraft icons on the map. You can tailor these color assignments.
For example, you might choose to assign a corporate color to the TRACKED banner and icons, a slightly different color to the PLANNED banner, and a very contrasting color to the OTHERS banner and aircraft icons that display on the map.
In the following example, you learn how to customize these colors for your airline.
Depending on the number of tracked flights in the Flight list, you may need to scroll down in the Flight list to see the PLANNED and OTHERS sections.
In your operational environment, you can use the scroll bar on the right side of the Flight list to scroll down. (That step is not shown here.)
Click the Admin_PF ADMIN dropdown button.
Click the Administration list item.
Click the Color menu item.
The Custom Colors page shows the current selection of colors used by N-Tracking for this example. Also in this case, the icons for aircraft for which alerts are being emitted are bright red.
Each color displays its associated hexadecimal ("HEX") code, such as #FF6600.
Each of the color swatches shown on this page features a checkbox.
If the checkbox is not selected, the default color applies. The default color used for planned flights is black. You can assign a different color to signal planned flights.
If the checkbox is not selected, N-Tracking uses the default color, even if the HEX number has been changed.
Click the Planned Flight color check box.
Click the Planned Flight color input field.
Choose a color hue in the vertical bar on the right of the color picker. For this example, click in the green zone.
The vertical color bar also features a black horizontal bar that works like a slider in your operational environment. You can use it to drag up and down the color spectrum to choose the desired hue.
The horizontal bar in the color picker now indicates that you're in the green range.
Next, click in the larger color swatch to select the precise green you want to use on the map. (A small circle indicates your cursor position.)
If you know the HEX code for the color, you can type that code in the input field, after the hashtag (#) symbol.
Click the × (Close) button.
The input field for the Planned Flight color shows the new hex code of the shade of green you chose.
Save your change.
Click the Save button.
Check the impact of your color change on the map.
Click the Map tab.
To best appreciate the change, scroll down to the OTHERS section of the Flight list and temporarily enable the display of the flights of other airlines on the map.
Click the OTHERS Flights slider.
You can see how well the blue color of your tracked flights contrasts with the yellow of other airlines' flights.
There may be a slight delay while all the flights in the OTHERS category load on the map.
Reset the OTHERS Flights slider to hide those flights from display when you're ready.
Click the OTHERS Flights slider.
Congratulations! You have assigned a desired color to one of the categories of aircraft listed in the Flight list -- and to the icons used to represent those aircraft on the map.