User management
In this topic, Administrators learn how to create accounts for new users and to update existing accounts. You also learn how to configure user access rights that determine the airports users can view.
We estimate that this will take 3 minutes to complete.
Detailed explanation
The importance of user management
User management is an important task for all system administrators. It is important to keep on top of this task as it determines who has access rights to the N-Tracking system. It's not only important to add new users when they join your company or department, but it's just as important to remove users if they leave.
When you configure a new user, you give them access rights to view the data associated with certain airports. It is not necessary to give all users access rights to all airports. You can modify the airports that a particular user has access to at any time by granting them access to additional airports or revoking access to airports that have already been granted to them.
We recommend that you review your user access rights on at least a monthly basis.
Click the username (Admin) dropdown button.
Click the Administration menu item.
Click the + Create user button.
button can be used to delete an existing account and the
button can be used to edit an existing account.
Once an account has been created, it is not possible to edit the username. If this is needed, delete the account and create it again with a new username.
Be accurate and careful when entering an email address. When you create a user, a password is sent to that address. The email address is also used for password reset requests from users.
It is mandatory to give a login username and email address. When you enter an email address, N-Tracking checks its format to ensure it looks like a proper email address, e.g., [email protected] and that the email address is appropriate for the airline.
Once you enter login credentials and email address, you can use the sliders to configure the airlines and airports that this new user can access.
Administrators have the ability to update the passwords of other users. This supports cases where the password reset mechanism cannot be used.
The slider buttons are used to determine which airlines and which airports this new user will have access to.
= no access
= access granted
After you supply the required user creation details, click "Save user".
The "Reporter?" slider allows the new user to manually update a flight's data, for example if an update from the pilot via HF radio is received. Updates can be more than just position and may also include fuel quantity, etc.
Email Message
After you click the "Save user" button, N-Tracking creates an account for that user and generates a password. The username and password are then emailed to the address that you specified.
Our NAVBLUE Support Desk often receives requests asking us to create users on your behalf (i.e., you, as our customer). Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to do this for all of our customers as standard practice. If you do require this service, please note that it will be billable. Please contact your Account Manager to request a quote.
When the list of users displays, you can edit any of the accounts by clicking on the pencil icon to access any details that you want to change.
Let's go ahead and edit this user.
Click the pencil button.
Use the User Modification screen to edit user account details, including the user status.
You can block and unblock individual users.
A user may be blocked if they get their password wrong three times in a row, or if you, as an Administrator decide to manually block them. As mentioned, Administrators also have the right to change other users' passwords, should they require it. Let's practice blocking this user.
Click the Blocked slider.
Click the Save user button.
Once you save the change, N-Tracking shows the username stricken through and the user is locked out (blocked). To undo this, access the record and unblock the user as needed.
If you do not immediately see a strike through the user name you just blocked, refresh your screen.